SPM Assets has developed hospital and healthcare asset management software backed by our team of consultants and surveyors to assist you with your surveys, implementation, and strategic advice. SPM Assets has extensive experience in health services asset management.
Assessing building assets is relatively straightforward; the complexity in healthcare asset management is assessing the biomedical assets. Biomedical assets are unique in nature, as their replacement is typically driven by technological obsolescence, maintainability, supportability, and changing service delivery. SPM Assets understands this, and our hospital asset management software can be configured to provide suitable database structures to make the asset register meaningful and useful.
Having an up-to-date, meaningful, relevant and consolidated healthcare asset register makes health facilities management that much easier. What’s more, our asset management software will shorten decision cycles and clarify the process of choosing between projects to finance. The reporting functionality uses scientific, evidence-based data to back up your funding recommendations. This is particularly helpful should you need additional funding to achieve your asset management goals.