SPM Assets has developed tertiary education asset management software, which is backed by our team of consultants and surveyors to assist you with the surveys, implementation, and strategic advice. SPM Assets has extensive experience in asset management for university and polytechnic institutes.
As you would expect from tertiary education asset management software, it can handle all types of assets: everything from buildings, furniture, to books and other teaching assets – e.g. laboratory and workshop equipment – it’s all covered. SPM Assets software provides you with a consolidated asset register, accessible by everyone who needs it, so your entire team has up-to-date information on the asset condition, performance and risk.
What’s more, our asset management software for universities and polytechnics will shorten decision cycles and clarify the process of choosing between projects to finance. The analysis and reporting tools provide you with scientifically based data to support your decision making. This is particularly helpful should you need additional funding to achieve your asset management goals.
SPM Assets’ tools allow you to easily identify your priority projects and establish budgets for the required works over the next 10 to 20 years. You will be able to prioritise works effectively to deliver improvements in your asset portfolio. This involves generating clear and detailed reports to assist with your funding applications – in a way that complies with TEFMA, NAMS, and the Tertiary Education Commission.