Case Study

NZ Historic Places Trust

Something New for Something Old

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NZ Historic Places Trust selected SPM Assets software and surveyors to further improve the long term management of New Zealand’s historical treasures. The NZ Historic Places Trust, a crown entity, is New Zealand’s leading national historic heritage agency and guardian of 150 heritage sites nationwide.


The goal

Using SPM Assets software, the Trust plans to develop an accurate register of buildings and historical site features and a long term maintenance plan. The unique nature of these assets has meant an increased emphasis on capturing their specific characteristics and requirements as well as the core information necessary for effective asset management.


The outcomes

SPM Assets ran a workshop to assess the Trust’s specific business needs. Their assets are managed, maintained and valued quite differently to other organisations. Most organisations work to establish a pragmatic balance between service level and available funding, often lowering targets for asset condition and performance to reflect funding constraints. While the Trust faces similar constraints it is also charged with safeguarding New Zealand’s built heritage – assets that can never be replaced. This means it needs to fully understand the real and minimum costs of maintaining the integrity of culturally and historically significant assets over the long term.

In spite of the Trust’s unique business needs and special requirements SPM Assets was able to configure the software to collect, analyse and report the necessary information. SPM Assets also provided training in the use of the software to implement the New Zealand Asset Management Support (NAMS) survey process and subsequent analysis.

Two of Auckland’s prized historic homes, Highwic House and Alberton House, have now been surveyed, and the Trust will progressively survey the remaining sites in Northland and the South Island over the coming months.


The benefits

SPM Assets’ web-based software applications and mobile technology reduces costs, improves planning decisions and has the unique advantage of empowering users to take greater control and to have more confidence in their asset information and planning decisions. The NZ Historic Places Trust is using SPM Assets’ innovative asset management software and technology solutions to become more self-sufficient and effective in its important role of managing and preserving NZ’s cherished historic places, sites and assets.

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