Case Study

Tasman District Council

The Customer: Tasman District Council

Tasman District Council is a unique unitary authority that combines the responsibilities of a city and regional council. It oversees a diverse and ecologically significant region in New Zealand. This district encompasses over 9,000 kilometres of rivers and streams, a coastline spanning 817 kilometres, and two pristine alpine lakes. It has a significant property portfolio including service centres, halls, libraries, museums, fire stations, sports & recreational facilities, commercial buildings, parks & reserves assets and housing.

The Challenge: strengthening asset management and data reliability for long-term planning

Tasman District Council faced a significant challenge - outdated asset information and unreliable condition data for key buildings in its property portfolio. Much of the existing asset condition data had either been collected nearly a decade ago or relied on in-house undocumented knowledge, so there was little confidence in using it for forecasting and works planning. The lack of reliable data posed a considerable risk to the Council’s ability to manage its assets effectively and make informed decisions regarding future investments, renewals, and disposals.

"We needed accurate and up-to-date data to guide our long-term planning and make sure that we’re making well-informed decisions for the future of our assets," said a Tasman District Council Property Team Representative. "Without reliable condition data, it becomes difficult to forecast expenditure and plan for critical capital budgets and projects."

The Council’s immediate priority was to refresh key asset condition data for its buildings at an appropriate level of detail, for the building type. The goal was to establish a foundation for evidence-based decisions to shape future investment, building use and supporting political decision-making. This focus on data confidence was part of a broader strategy by the Property Team to create structured processes and systems for more efficient and effective service delivery.

"Our goal is to make sure that strategic decisions in our asset portfolio is based on solid, dependable evidence," the Council Representative added. "This is not just about managing our assets — it’s about building confidence in our long-term planning, ensuring our buildings are fit for purpose and we can deliver our services effectively into the future."

By prioritising reliable asset condition data and strategic asset management, the Council aimed to mitigate risk, optimise asset performance at an acceptable cost, and develop a long-term approach to property lifecycle asset management. This data will be supported by building utilisation and “fit for purpose” information.

The Solution: software tailored for long-term success

To address the Council’s need for reliable and up-to-date property asset data, our team developed a customised software solution, to deliver sustainable asset management while maximising value for their investment. This approach began with a collaborative workshop that allowed both the Council and our team to confirm key elements such as reporting requirements, level of detail for assessments, and the development of a standardised survey methodology. This tailored methodology would serve as the foundation for future condition assessments, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and auditability across the Council’s building portfolio.

"Starting with a workshop allowed us to clearly define our goals and scope for the project," said a representative from the Council’s Property Team. "The customised survey methodology was a key part of making sure we could collect the right data, at the right level of detail, to meet our strategic asset management objectives."

SPM worked with Council to implement a multi-year, prioritised survey programme that initially focused on the Council’s high-priority buildings. This structured approach made sure that resources were allocated effectively, and immediate needs were addressed first. The solution also emphasised increased repeatability and auditability for future surveys, helping the Council maintain accurate asset condition data as part of their ongoing asset management processes.

"The new methodology not only helped us avoid common survey errors but also improved the overall efficiency of the process. We now have a reliable system that aligns with our business-as-usual activities, making it easier to keep our asset data current and meaningful," the property team reported.

By developing a solution that was directly aligned with the Council’s specific requirements, SPM Assets helped Tasman District Council optimise its property lifecycle asset management, so they can now confidently plan and manage assets more strategically and effectively.

The Results: enhanced asset management through accurate data and strategic planning

The Tasman District Council has seen significant improvements in its asset management practices. The implementation of a structured condition assessment programme provided the Council with the tools and data necessary to effectively manage its building portfolio and plan for future investments. Key benefits include:

  • Enhanced asset data - the Council has updated its outdated and unreliable asset data, for key buildings. In particular the updated condition information provided the Property Team with accurate, actionable insights crucial for long-term property lifecycle management, risk assessment, and compliance.
  • Informed decision-making - armed with reliable asset condition data and detailed forecasts for future expenditure, the Council gained a solid foundation for making evidence-based decisions regarding capital budgets, renewal projects, and potential asset disposals. This has strengthened their ability to manage property assets strategically. Information on utilisation and if the building is fit for purpose will support strategic decisions.
  • Consistency and efficiency - "The survey methodology developed in collaboration with SPM Assets was a game-changer," stated a member of the property team. "It provided clarity and consistency, making future condition assessments straightforward and making sure that our asset management data is continually accurate and relevant."
  • Prioritising assessments for key buildings - the Council's higher priority buildings were assessed first as part of the multi-year, prioritised survey programme. This allowed the Council to focus its resources on the most critical properties, enabling prioritised planning and allocation of capital expenditure.
  • Reduced risks and optimised asset management - by addressing the risks associated with outdated asset data, the Council positioned itself to make reliable, data-driven decisions, particularly for high-value capital projects. "We’ve significantly reduced the risks tied to inaccurate data and can now confidently plan our future investments," said another member of the Property Team.

SPM Assets’ expertise and the successful implementation of their asset management software means that the Council can maintain a more accurate and compliant property asset register while supporting evidence-based asset management strategies for the long term.

SPM Assets’ partnership with the Tasman District Council demonstrated both the power of accurate data and a tailored asset management solution to deliver the outcomes needed for better asset management.

If you'd like to discuss how we can help you adopt a strategic approach to your asset management, don't hesitate to get in touch.

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